PhD in association between three institutions:
NMS/UNL and University of Coimbra and University of Minho.
This cycle of studies offers itself as a strategy of sustained consolidation in emerging and priority areas for the development of knowledge in a theme that constitutes one of the greatest challenges that today's society has to face, the problem of aging and chronic diseases.
The main objective of the Program is to contribute to the training of excellence in scientific areas of recognized merit, and considered strategic by the institutions that integrate the Program, as is the case of aging and chronic diseases, promoting synergies and maximizing the complementarity of existing technical and methodological resources.
This Program has unique characteristics in terms of postgraduate training in Portugal, and one of its main missions is to promote and strengthen a fruitful and solid interinstitutional collaboration in terms of scientific research and advanced training.
Other Informations:
If you need detailed information, please contact us:
Phone: +351 218 803 066
Office Hours
Monday to Friday
9:30 am - 1pm / 2pm - 4pm