Special Regimes | Integrated Master's Degree in Medicine

General Regulations for Re-entry and Change of Institution/Course Pair in Higher Education  - Ministerial Order no. 181-D/2015


Change of Institution/Course Pair - Academic Year 2023/2024

The Institution/Course Pair Change Regime (transfers and course changes) is based on Ministerial Order No. 181-D/2015 of June 19, and requires the prior establishment of vacancies by the Rector of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, on a proposal from the Director.

No vacancies were made available for the Institution/Course Pair Change Scheme in the 2023/2024 academic year.

Informations: concursosespeciais@nms.unl.pt


Re-entry system - 2023/2024 academic year


The Re-entry System is governed by Ministerial Order no. 181-D/2015 of June 19.

Application period: until March 31 of the academic year prior to the one in which you wish to re-enter.

Compulsory documentation:

  • Group A Prerequisite - Interpersonal Communication (Medical Certificate)
  • Form of Proof - Medical statement, in the form of a response to a questionnaire, under the terms of the regulations published as Annex III to Deliberation no. 218/2018 of February 26, proving that you meet the prerequisite to be handed in at the time of enrolment and registration at this educational establishment.
  • The Group A Pre-Requisite draft can be downloaded from the following Link
  • Citizen's Card

Applications: by e-mail to: concursosespeciais@nms.unl.pt

Given the pandemic situation we are experiencing, the submission of a medical certificate may be accepted. You can apply without this document, but it must be handed in at the time of registration, which will take place remotely in August.

  1. What is Re-entry?
    Re-entry is the act by which a student, after interrupting their studies at a higher education institution/course pair, re-enrolls at the same institution and enrolls in the same or a successor course.

  2. What are the quantitative limitations to re-entry?
    The re-entry system is not subject to quantitative limitations.

  3. What are the conditions for applying for re-entry?
    Students who have been enrolled and registered in that institution/course pair or in a pair that preceded it may apply for re-entry;
    Students who have been enrolled in that institution/course pair in the academic year prior to the one in which they wish to enter may not apply for re-entry. Students whose enrollment has lapsed as a result of the application of the prescription system referred to in no. 2 of Article 5 of Law no. 37/2003, of August 22 (establishing the bases for financing higher education), as amended by Law no. 49/2005, of August 30, may only apply for re-entry two academic semesters after the date of the prescription.
