NMS researcher wins best oral communication award at an international congress

Maria João Meneses, postdoctoral researcher at the Metabolic Diseases Research (MEDIR) Laboratory, awarded the prize for best oral communication at the Annual Congress of the European Society for Clinical Research.


Researcher Maria João Meneses won the prize presenting the work entitled "Insulin and Glucose metabolism-based clustering analysis discloses different lipidomic profile among men and women".

With this work, the researcher and her colleagues studied the role of lipids in the development and progression of type 2 diabetes and hypothesized that subjects stratified according to glucose metabolism-related parameters have a different but gender-dependent lipidomic profile. The researchers demonstrated that, not only glucose but also lipidomic profile furthermore differentiated by gender should be included in the analysis of phenotypes for the increased risk of dysglycemia and type 2 diabetes.

For Maria João Menezes this award means the recognition of the work that research team has been developing on metabolic diseases. The researcher added that "in general, their participation in the Annual Congress of the European Society for Clinical Investigation allows not only a scientific update on the highlighted topics, but also to establish collaborations for future work."

Metabolic Diseases Research (MEDIR) Laboratory participation in this congress was broader. Rita Oliveira, co-PI of this Research Group, moderated a session and presented another oral communication.

Maria João Meneses
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Maria Paula Macedo
Rita Machado de Oliveira

Metabolic Diseases Research (MEDIR)

Maria Paula Macedo