The European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event, which displays the diversity of science and its impact on citizens' daily lives in fun, inspiring ways.
The European Researchers' Night aims to bring research and researchers closer to the public, promote excellent research projects across Europe and beyond, increase the interest of young people in science and research careers, and also highlight the impact of researchers’ work on people’s daily lives.
NMS Researchers will participate in three initiatives, with several activities, in the great Lisbon Area:
The PhD Students and Post-Doc Committees, Paula Macedo, and other NMS Researchers will have a stand to showcase "How do we handle biomedical research waste in NOVA Medical School?" and will also host and open conversation called "Where are we in terms of gender equality in NOVA Medical School research?"

César Mendes will participate in a roundtable with COLife colleagues, as a MCSA Fellow ”alumni” Researcher, to talk about the challenges of being a scientist and the networks created throughout one's career.
Patient Innovation (NOVA SBE, NMS) will be present in one of the Science Stands

Sílvia Conde will participante in the activity "Eu Nunca" and with various members of her Lab will host various hands-on sessions related to their research work. Namely:
i) "Aprender a ler rótulos para ser mais saudável";
ii) "As células do nosso corpo";
iii) "O que é a diabetes?";
iv) "Os órgãos do nosso corpo"; and,
v) "Quanto açúcar temos no sangue?"
In the DÒING room, researchers Sandra Tenreiro, Susana Silva and Cláudia Almeida , from the group LabKnitting at NMS, will present a knitting workshop, not only with practical demonstrations of knitting stitches but also have an exhibition of biomedical scientific models knitted with the corresponding scientific explanations.

All activities are in-person and open to the public.