PURE is NOVA's scientific information management system (CRIS-Current Research Information System). This system contains information about the scientific production of its research teams, namely publications in all typologies and activities. It allows the creation and management of a CV by NOVA researchers with individual access, being possible to establish relationships among the several typologies of content, to provide a wide vision at several levels: individual, department, research unit, organic unit, and University.
Besides providing management tools for scientific information and reports at various levels at NOVA, the data from PURE are also used for presentation in the NOVA Research Portal, which provides the public with a vision of the research activity produced at the University. NOVA Organic Units can also reuse their existing data in PURE to feed their individual websites, with lists of publications and personalised researcher profiles, as well as to fulfil the Open Access mandate, by automatically sending their publications validated in Pure in Open Access to RUN (national RCAAP network) and OpenAIRE from the European Commission.