The knowledge surrounding Nutritional Sciences has been growing over the last few years, arousing progressively more interest throughout the scientific community in this area of health. In addition to the recognized impact on the provision of health care, awareness of the role of Nutrition in other sectors such as the economy, the environment and technology has led to the need for a holistic understanding of this vast area of knowledge.
Based on this premise, the N2S Conference is a scientific event organized by the NOVA Medical School Students' Association (AENMS) aimed at all students and professionals in the Life Sciences and/or Health sector with an interest in deepening their knowledge of Nutrition Sciences, and whose 3rd Edition will take place on November 3, 4 and 5, with the following structure:
November 3: day of workshops, to be held at the NOVA Medical School headquarters;
November 4 and 5: scientific conference, to be held in the CUF Academic Center auditorium, with livestreaming (option to participate in person or online).
This year, the N2S Conference will feature, for the first time, a Social Program (N2Social Night), in which participants and guests will be able to enjoy a dinner, with live music and good times at the Soho Club (Alcântara), on November 4 at 8pm.
Registration for the Congress and Social Program is now open via the AENMS UpEvents platform.
You can find more information on our website and social networks.
We look forward to everyone's participation.