Microscopy Facility

The NMS Research microscopy facility possess the scientific know-how and technical knowledge in advanced microscopy and image analysis to support and enhance scientific research. We also provide access to a wide variety of instruments covering from basic to advanced light microscopy, available to all research community (NMS and External users)

The Facility staff assists researchers in the experimental planning of light microscopy experiments, provides in-depth training for the operation of the microscopes as well as troubleshooting during microscopes operation. Additionally, support is provided in the processing, rendering and analysis of acquired datasets. If needed, custom analysis routines will be provided as a service.

For the continued high-quality service, it is our mission to keep our resources updated and our staff on top of the latest microscopy developments and techniques.

Confocal Zeiss LSM 980 with Airyscan 2
Confocal Zeiss LSM 710
Confocal Andor Spinning disk
Widefield Observer Z1 for HCS
Widefield Axioimager Z2
Stereoscope Lumar V12 with fluorescence
Stereoscope Leica MZ16A with fluorescence
Stereoscope Stereo V8 with fluorescence
Multiple smaller Stereoscopes
Workstation 1 with Imaris 9.5, Huygens 20.10, ZEN 3.1 Workstation
Workstation 2 with opensource software

The facility provides the following services:

  • Training in all microscopes, for independent usage
  • Consulting and initial scientific project/experiment planning
  • Consulting in sample preparation
  • Training in image processing software usage (Fiji, IMARIS, Icy,..)
  • Image processing and analysis services:Workflow automation (macros, scripting);
  • Image processing Workflow consulting and development;
  • Image processing custom software development


Microscopy Facility usage is open to all community. Users must register on the equipment booking platform (Agendo) and request equipment permissions before using the systems. Alternatively for external users we can be contacted via email. Proper training is always required to use the facility resources.

Portuguese Platform of Bio Imaging (PPBI)
Euro Bioimaging (EuBi)
Lisbon BioImaging Group (LxBIG)

Facility Manager

Telmo Pereira
Microscopy Facility Manager