
Rua do Instituto Bacteriológico, nº5 1150-082 Lisboa, Portugal
Telefone: 218803101 Ext: 27016

Nuno Mendonça

Investigador  Investigador Auxiliar Convidado
Post-Doc Researcher, PhD

Sou um epidemiologista nutricional e investigador no CHRC e na unidade EpiDoC, CEDOC, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, UNL onde também leciono na Licenciatura de Ciências da Nutrição. Licenciei-me em Dietética e Nutrição na ESTeSL, tenho um Mestrado da Universidade de Wageningen e um Doutoramento da Universidade de Newcastle. Eu tenho um especial interesse no envelhecimento saudável e ativo, mais especificamente na nutrição e na sinergia com a atividade física em relação a outcomes funcionais em idade avançada.

  • Teh R, Mendonça N et al. (2021) Dietary Protein Intake and Transition between Frailty States in Octogenarians Living in New Zealand. Nutrients. doi:10.3390/nu13082843.
  • Lourida I et al. (2021) Association of Daily Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour with Protein Intake Patterns in Older Adults: A Multi-Study Analysis across Five Countries. Nutrients. doi:10.3390/nu13082574.
  • Lochlainn MN et al. (2021) Nutrition and Frailty: Opportunities for Prevention and Treatment. Nutrients. doi:10.3390/nu13072349.
  • Mendonça N et al. (2021) Low protein intake, physical activity and physical function in European and North American community-dwelling older adults: a pooled analysis of four longitudinal aging cohorts. Am J Clin Nutr. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqab051.
  • kello EJ, Mendonça N et al. (2020) Tea consumption and measures of attention and psychomotor speed in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ longitudinal study. BMC Nutr. doi:10.1186/s40795-020-00361-8.
  • Hakeem S, Mendonça N et al. (2020) The association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and disability trajectories in very-old adults: The Newcastle 85+ Study. Nutrients. doi:10.3390/nu12092742.
  • Perri G, Mendonça N et al. (2020) Dietary Selenium Intakes and Musculoskeletal Function in Very Old Adults: Analysis of the Newcastle 85+ Study. Nutrients. doi:10.3390/nu12072068.
  • Hengeveld L et al. (2020) Prevalence of protein intake below recommended in older adults: a meta-analysis across cohorts from the PROMISS consortium. J Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. doi:10.1002/jcsm.12580.
  • Mendonça N et al. (2020) Transitions between frailty states in the very old: the influence of socioeconomic status and multi-morbidity in the Newcastle 85+ cohort study. Age Ageing. doi:10.1093/ageing/afaa054.
  • Mendonça N et al. (2019) Protein intake and transitions between frailty states and to death in very old adults: The Newcastle 85+ Study. Age Ageing. 49(1):32–38.
  • Mendonça N et al. (2019) Contribution of protein intake and its interaction with physical activity to transitions between disability states and to death in very old adults: the Newcastle 85+ Study. Eur J Nutr. 59(5):1909-1918.
  • Granic A, Mendonça N et al. (2019) Effects of dietary patterns and low protein intake on sarcopenia risk in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ Study. Clin Nutr. 39(1):166-173.
  • Mendonça N et al. (2018) Protein intake and disability trajectories in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 67(1):50-56.
  • Mendonça N et al. (2018) Elevated total homocysteine in all participants and plasma vitamin B12 concentrations in women are associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 73(9):1258-1264.
  • Granic A, Mendonça N* et al. (2018) Nutrition in the very old. Nutrients. 10(3):269. *Joint first authorship. Madeira T et al. (2018) Malnutrition among older adults living in Portuguese nursing homes: the PEN-3S study. Public Health Nutr. 15:1-12.
  • Granic A, Mendonça N et al. (2018) Low protein intake, muscle strength and physical performance in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ Study. Clin Nutr. 37(6 Pt A):2260-2270. Mendonça N et al. (2018) Prevalence and determinants of low protein intake in very old adults: Insights from the Newcastle 85+ Study. Eur J Nutr. 57(8):2713-2722.
  • Mendonça N et al. (2017) One-carbon metabolism biomarkers and cognitive decline in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ Study. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 18(9):806.
  • Mendonça N et al. (2016) Intakes of folate and vitamin B12 and biomarkers of status in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ Study. Nutrients. 8(10):604. Madeira T et al. (2016) National Survey of the Portuguese Elderly Nutritional Status: Study Protocol. BMC Geriatr. 16:139.
  • Mendonça N et al. (2016) Micronutrient intake and food sources in the very old: Analysis of the Newcastle 85+ Study. Br J Nutr. 116(4):751-61. Hill T, Mendonça N et al. (2016) What do we know about the nutritional status of the very old? Insights from three cohorts

• Recipient of FCT’s Junior Researcher Fellowship (2022-2028).
• Recipient of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship (2019-2021).
• Nominated for the Faculty of Medical Sciences doctoral award for outstanding PhD in a medical sciences discipline (2018).
• Recipient of the Swales Bequest Fund (2014-2017).
• Recipient of several travel grants and small bursaries (2014-Present).