Controlo Neuronal das Doenças Metabólicas: Estratégias Terapêuticas

Os distúrbios metabólicos como a obesidade e diabetes tipo 2 (DM2) afetam milhões de indivíduos em todo o mundo, contribuindo para uma significativa morbidade e mortalidade. As estratégias terapêuticas para estas patologias são escassas. O nosso grupo de investigação está focado em explorar os mecanismos fisiopatológicos por detrás do desenvolvimento das doenças metabólicas e na identificação de estratégias para prevenir e tratar estas patologias.

A nossa abordagem científica é translacional e multidisciplinar, e engloba investigação cientifica que vai desde o estudo em modelos celulares, até modelos animais e investigação no Homem. Para atingirmos os nossos objetivos usamos vários tipos de metodologias que vão desde a bioquímica, a biologia celular, imagiologia, eletrofisiologia e estudos in vivo, estando também focados no desenvolvimento de ferramentas matemáticas e computacionais para análise de dados na tentativa de promover o bem-estar dos doentes com doenças metabólicas.

Our research areas:

1- Role of autonomic nervous system and in particular the carotid body (CB), a peripheral chemoreceptor, on the genesis of metabolic disorders


Ribeiro et al. 2013. Diabetes; Sacramento et al. 2017. Diabetologia; Conde et al. 2017 J Physiol; Ribeiro et al. 2018. J Physiol; Conde et al. 2018. Physiol Genomics; Sacramento et al. 2020. IJMS; Cunha-Guimaraes et al. 2020 EJE


2- Modulation of adenosine and/or dopamine signaling/metabolism in insulin-sensitive tissues to ameliorate glucose metabolism and tissue function in metabolic diseases.

esquema 2

Conde et al. 2012. BJN; Guarino et al 2013 Age; Sacramento et al. 2015. EJPS; Sacramento et al. 2020 Front Endoc


3- Exploring molecular players and pathways to promote adipose tissue browning as targets for obesity and type 2 diabetes


4- Modulation of peripheral nerves to treat metabolic diseases, e.g. by the use of bioelectroceuticals


Sacramento et al. 2018 Diabetologia; Cracchiolo et al. 2019 IEEE  


Discover more about Neurometab Group - Instagram - Twitter

2022- 2023- “MicrobCB: Are the beneficial effects of polyphenols consumption over insulin resistance mediated by the carotid body?” Supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology Project Reference: 2022.05677.PTDC- 49.996,75 € PI: Fátima O. Martins

2022-2023- “Impacto da cirurgia metabólica e da embolização bariátrica no perfil hormonal intestinal e inflamatório no doente obeso diabético: estudo comparativo”. Supported by Sociedade Portuguesa Diabetologia/Novo Nordisk- 5,000€; Project Reference: Bolsa Almeida Ruas/Novo Nordisk. PI: Sílvia Conde, Co-PI: Rodrigo Oliveira

2022-2023- “Exploring pro-inflammatory interleukins as major players in the link carotid body-metabolic deregulation in obesity and obstructive sleep apnea” Supported by Scientific Cooperation Agreement between Portugal and Poland- 12,000€, Project Reference: 2021.09398.CBM

2022-2023-  “Moving towards closed-loop bioelectronic medicine for type 2 diabetes: real-time neuromodulation of carotid sinus nerve” Supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology Project Reference: EXPL/MED-NEU/0733/2021- 49.986,92 € PI:  Joana Sacramento.

2021-2022- “In the crossroad between metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases” Supported by iNOVA4Health. - 21,000€. PI: Sílvia Conde; Co-PI: Hugo Vicente Miranda.

 2018- Sept 2019- “AhR-CYP1A1: linking environmental exposure and sleep apnea to improve arterial hypertension management”. Supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology Project Reference: PTDC/MED-TOX/30418/2017

Aug 2016 - Feb 2018 - “The Carotid Body as a therapeutic target in metabolic diseases: Mapping carotid sinus nerve activity in diabetes rat models: Lisbon Stage 2”. supported by: Galvani Bioelectronics - 340.316,00€ - PI: Sílvia Conde

Nov 2013 - Apr 2016 - “The Carotid Body as a therapeutic target in metabolic diseases: Mapping carotid sinus nerve activity in diabetes rat models”. supported by: GSK Bioelectronic Exploratory Funding - 147.905,56€ PI: Sílvia Conde

Mar 2015 - Apr 2016 - "Wireless Interfacing of the Carotid Sinus Nerve for Hypoxic Response Modulation". Collaboration project between CEDOC, NOVA Medical School, University of Texas and Illinois Institute of Technology. Supported by: GSK Innovation Challenge Funding. 200.000$ (total), 49.728$ (Silvia Conde). co-PIs: Mário Romero and Sílvia Conde

Mar 2014 - Feb 2015 – “Mapping the sympathetic efferent activity in carotid-body mediated insulin resistance”. Supported by: Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (EXPL/NEU-SCC/2183/2013) – 48.371€ PI: Maria Guarino

Nov 2013 - Nov 2014 - "Mapping carotid sinus nerve activity in diabetes rat models" Supported by: GSK Bioelectronic Exploratory Funding Ref: D00006317 - 96.105$ PI: Silvia Conde

Mar 2011 - Dec 2013 - "Insulin and carotid body: a new mechanism for insulin resistance and hypertension.".Supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology Project Reference: PTDC/SAU-ORG/11149/2009 - 100.000€ PI: Silvia Conde

Nov 2009 - May 2012: Effect of chronic caffeine intake on insulin resistance and hypertension: mechanistic and therapeutic approach. Supported by: Sociedade Portuguesa Diabetologia/Lilly Portugal - 10.000 € PI: Silvia Conde and Maria Guarino

Melo BF, Prieto-Lloret J, Cabral MD, Martins FO, Martins IB, Sacramento JF, Ruivo P, Carvalho T, Conde SV. Type 2 diabetes progression differently affects endothelial function and vascular contractility in the aorta and the pulmonary artery. Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 15;11(1):6052. 

With this work we found that type 2 diabetes (T2D) progression differently affects endothelial function and vascular contractility in the aorta and pulmonary artery and that the pulmonary artery is more resistant to endothelial dysfunction. Also, we observed that this dysfunction is associated with alterations in the nitrergic system and inflammatory pathways. Understanding the mechanisms behind pulmonary artery dysfunction in T2D can lead to significant advances in both preventative and therapeutic treatments of pulmonary disease-associated diabetes.

Cunha-Guimaraes JP, Guarino MP, Timóteo AT, Caires I, Sacramento JF, Ribeiro MJ, Selas M, Santiago JCP, Mota-Carmo M, Conde SV. Carotid body chemosensitivity: early biomarker of dysmetabolism in humans. Eur J Endocrinol. 2020 Jun;182(6):549-557. doi:10.1530/EJE-19-0976 

With this work we found that the carotid body (CB), a peripheral chemoreceptor that is involved in the genesis of insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, is overactive in prediabetes subjects and that peripheral chemosensitivity correlates with fasting insulin and insulin resistance. CB chemosensitivity might represent a novel non-invasive functional biomarker to forecast early metabolic disease.
Awarded with the Prize Pedro Eurico Lisboa Award- Portuguese Society of Diabetes 2021 for the best publication in the diabetes field in the year 2020
Sacramento JF, Chew DJ, Melo BF, Donegá M, Dopson W, Guarino MP, Robinson A, Prieto-Lloret J, Patel S, Holinski BJ, Ramnarain N, Pikov V, Famm K, Conde SV (2018). Bioelectronic modulation of carotid sinus nerve activity in the rat: a potential therapeutic approach for type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia 61:700-710;


We described for the 1st time that CSN electrical neuromodulation restores insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in T2D rats. This publication will facilitate the emergence of bioelectronic therapeutic for T2D.

Awarded with the Honor Prize Pedro Eurico Lisboa Award- Portuguese Society of Diabetes 2019 for the best publication in the diabetes field in the year 2018

Awarded with the Pulido Valente-Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology Prize for the best publication in Biomedical Sciences in 2018. 

Highlighted in Nat Rev Endocrinol - Stanley, S. Peripheral nerve modulation to treat metabolic disease. Nat Rev Endocrinol 14, 193–194 (2018).
Sacramento JF, Ribeiro MJ, Rodrigues T, Olea E, Melo BF, Guarino MP, Fonseca-Pinto R, Ferreira CR, Coelho J, Obeso A, Seiça R, Matafome P, Conde SV. (2017) Functional abolition of carotid body activity restores insulin action and glucose homeostasis in rats: key roles for visceral adipose tissue and the liver. Diabetologia. 60:158-168 doi: 10.1007/s00125-016-4133-y; 


We have established that abolition of CB activity may represent a therapeutic strategy for pre-existing metabolic diseases. In hypercaloric rats, chronic CSN transection restored insulin action and glucose homeostasis by impacting on insulin signalling pathways in visceral adipose tissue and liver.

Awarded with the Prize Pedro Eurico Lisboa Award- Portuguese Society of Diabetes 2018 for the best publication in the diabetes field in the year 2017
Ribeiro MJ, Sacramento JF, Gonzalez C, Guarino MP, Monteiro EC, Conde SV. (2013) Carotid body denervation prevents the development of insulin resistance and hypertension induced by hypercaloric diets. Diabetes. 62:2905-16; doi: 10.2337/db12-1463;

We showed for the 1st time that CB is involved in the genesis of insulin resistance and hypertension induced by hypercaloric diets. Also, we found that the development of these pathological features is due to CB overactivation via an increased sympathetic nervous system.


Papers in the last 5 years


- Andrzejewski K, Jampolska M, Mojzych I, Conde SV, Kaczyńska K.  Hypoxic and Hypercapnic Responses in Transgenic Murine Model of Alzheimer's Disease Overexpressing Human AβPP: The Effects of Pretreatment with Memantine and Rivastigmine. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 May 26;23(11):6004.

- Melo BF, Sacramento JF, Capucho AM, Sampaio-Pires D, Prego CS, Conde SV.  Long-Term Hypercaloric Diet Consumption Exacerbates Age-Induced Dysmetabolism and Carotid Body Dysfunction: Beneficial Effects of CSN Denervation. Front Physiol. 2022 May 4;13:889660.

- Capucho AM, Chegão A, Martins FO, Vicente Miranda H, Conde SV.  Dysmetabolism and Neurodegeneration: Trick or Treat? Nutrients. 2022 Mar 29;14(7):1425.

- Conde SV, Martins FO, Dias SS, Pinto P, Bárbara C, Monteiro EC.  Dysmetabolism and Sleep Fragmentation in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients Run Independently of High Caffeine Consumption.

- Conde SV, Sacramento JF, Melo BF, Fonseca-Pinto R, Romero-Ortega MI, Guarino MP.  Blood Pressure Regulation by the Carotid Sinus Nerve: Clinical Implications for Carotid Body Neuromodulation Front Neurosci. 2022 Jan 10;15:725751.

- Soares NL, Paiva I, Bravo J, Queiroga CSF, Melo BF, Conde SV, Romão CC, Summavielle T, Vieira HLA. Carbon Monoxide Modulation of Microglia-Neuron Communication: Anti-Neuroinflammatory and Neurotrophic Role. Mol Neurobiol. 2022 Feb;59(2):872-889.

- Almendros I, Basoglu ÖK, Conde SV, Liguori C, Saaresranta T. Metabolic dysfunction in OSA: Is there something new under the sun? J Sleep Res. 2022 Feb;31(1):e13418.


- Conde SV, Sacramento JF, Melo BF, Fonseca-Pinto R, Romero-Ortega MI, Guarino MP. Blood Pressure Regulation by the Carotid Sinus Nerve: Clinical Implications for Carotid Body Neuromodulation. Front Neurosci. 2022 Jan 10;15:725751.

- Martins FO, Conde SV. Gender Differences in the Context of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Metabolic Diseases. Front Physiol. 2021 Dec 14;12:792633.

- Soares NL, Paiva I, Bravo J, Queiroga CSF, Melo BF, Conde SV, Romão CC, Summavielle T, Vieira HLA. Carbon Monoxide Modulation of Microglia-Neuron Communication: Anti-Neuroinflammatory and Neurotrophic Role. Mol Neurobiol. 2022 Feb;59(2):872-889.

- Tavares G, Martins FO, Melo BF, Matafome P, Conde SV. Peripheral Dopamine Directly Acts on Insulin-Sensitive Tissues to Regulate Insulin Signaling and Metabolic Function. Front Pharmacol. 2021 Sep 9;12:713418.

- Martins FO, Sacramento JF, Olea E, Melo BF, Prieto-Lloret J, Obeso A, Rocher A, Matafome P, Monteiro EC, Conde SV. Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Induces Early-Stage Metabolic Dysfunction Independently of Adipose Tissue Deregulation. ntioxidants (Basel). 2021 Jul 30;10(8):1233.

- Conde SV. Low frequency conduction block: a promising new technique to advance bioelectronic medicines. Bioelectron Med. 2021 Jul 26;7(1):11.

- Almendros I, Basoglu ÖK, Conde SV, Liguori C, Saaresranta T. Metabolic dysfunction in OSA: Is there something new under the sun? J Sleep Res. 2022 Feb;31(1):e13418.

- Datta-Chaudhuri T, Zanos T, Chang EH, Olofsson PS, Bickel S, Bouton C, Grande D, Rieth L, Aranow C, Bloom O, Mehta AD, Civillico G, Stevens MM, Głowacki E, Bettinger C, Schüettler M, Puleo C, Rennaker R, Mohanta S, Carnevale D, Conde SV, Bonaz B, Chernoff D, Kapa S, Berggren M, Ludwig K, Zanos S, Miller L, Weber D, Yoshor D, Steinman L, Chavan SS, Pavlov VA, Al-Abed Y, Tracey KJ. The Fourth Bioelectronic Medicine Summit "Technology Targeting Molecular Mechanisms": current progress, challenges, and charting the future. Bioelectron Med. 2021 May 24;7(1):7.

- Tavares G, Marques D, Barra C, Rosendo-Silva D, Costa A, Rodrigues T, Gasparini P, Melo BF, Sacramento JF, Seiça R, Conde SV, Matafome P. Dopamine D2 receptor agonist, bromocriptine, remodels adipose tissue dopaminergic signalling and upregulates catabolic pathways, improving metabolic profile in type 2 diabetes. Mol Metab. 2021 Sep;51:101241.

- Sílvia V. Conde (2021) Leptin and dorsomedial hypothalamus: is not all about feeding and energy homeostasis. SleepJ, Vol. 44, No. 6.

- Bernardete F. Melo, Jesus Prieto‑Lloret, Marlene D. Cabral, Fátima O. Martins, Inês B. Martins, Joana F. Sacramento, Pedro Ruivo, Tânia Carvalho & Sílvia V. Conde (2021) Type 2 diabetes progression differently affects endothelial function and vascular contractility in the aorta and the pulmonary artery. Sci Rep. 11(1):6052.


- Sacramento JF, Martins FO, Rodrigues T, Matafome P, Ribeiro MJ, Olea E, Conde SV. (2020) A2 Adenosine Receptors Mediate Whole-Body Insulin Sensitivity in a Prediabetes Animal Model: Primary Effects on Skeletal Muscle. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 28;11:262

- Cunha-Guimarães JP, Guarino MP, Timóteo AT, Caires I, Sacramento JF, Ribeiro MJ, Selas M, Santiago JCP, Mota-Carmo M, Conde SV. (2020) Carotid body chemosensitivity: early biomarker of dysmetabolism in humans. Eur J Endocrinol. 182(6):549-557

- Sacramento JF, Andrzejewski K, Melo BF, Ribeiro MJ, Obeso A, Conde SV. (2020) Exploring the Mediators that Promote Carotid Body Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity Related Syndromes. Int J Mol Sci. 3;21(15):5545.

- Falvey A, Duprat F, Simon T, Hugues-Ascery S, Conde SV, Glaichenhaus N, Blancou P. (2020) Electrostimulation of the carotid sinus nerve in mice attenuates inflammation via glucocorticoid receptor on myeloid immune cells. J Neuroinflammation. 17(1):368.

- Conde SV, Sacramento JF, Martins FO. (2020) Immunity and the carotid body: implications for metabolic diseases. Bioelectronic Med. 23;6(1):24.


- Melo BF, Sacramento JF, Ribeiro MJ, Prego CS, Correia MC, Coelho JC, Cunha-Guimarães JP, Rodrigues T, Martins IB, Guarino MP, Seiça RM, Matafome P, Conde SV. (2019) Evaluating the Impact of Different Hypercaloric Diets on Weight Gain, Insulin Resistance, Glucose Intolerance, and its Comorbidities in Rats. Nutrients. 11(6):1197.

-  Sacramento JF, Olea E, Ribeiro MJ, Prieto-Lloret J, Melo BF, Gonzalez C, Martins FO, Monteiro EC, Conde SV. (2019) Contribution of adenosine and ATP to the carotid body chemosensory activity in ageing. J Physiol. 597(19):4991-5008.

- Cracchiolo M, Sacramento JF, Mazzoni A, Panarese A, Carpaneto J, Conde SV, Micera S. (2019) Decoding Neural Metabolic Markers From the Carotid Sinus Nerve in a Type 2 Diabetes Model. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. (10):2034-2043. 


- Conde SV, Sacramento JF, Guarino MP. (2018) Carotid body: a metabolic sensor implicated in insulin resistance. Physiol Genomics. 50(3):208-214.

- Sacramento JF, Chew DJ, Melo BF, Donegá M, Dopson W, Guarino MP, Robinson A, Prieto-Lloret J, Patel S, Holinski BJ, Ramnarain N, Pikov V, Famm K, Conde SV. (2018) Bioelectronic modulation of carotid sinus nerve activity in the rat: a potential therapeutic approach for type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia. 61(3):700-710.

- Melo BF, Prieto-Lloret J, Cabral MD, Martins FO, Martins IB, Sacramento JF, Ruivo P, Carvalho T, Conde SV. (2018) Type 2 diabetes progression differently affects endothelial function and vascular contractility in the aorta and the pulmonary artery. Sci Rep. 11(1):6052.

- Ribeiro MJ, Sacramento JF, Gallego-Martin T, Olea E, Melo BF, Guarino MP, Yubero S, Obeso A, Conde SV. (2018) High fat diet blunts the effects of leptin on ventilation and on carotid body activity. J Physiol. 596(15):3187-3199. 

- Dos Santos E, Sacramento JF, Melo BF, Conde SV. (2018) Carotid Body Dysfunction in Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance Is Associated with Alterations in Its Morphology. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1071:103-108.

- Sacramento JF, Melo BF, Conde SV. (2018) Adenosine Mediates Hypercapnic Response in the Rat Carotid Body via A2A and A2B Receptors. Adv Exp Med Biol.1071:89-93.

- Conde SV. (2018) Ablation of the carotid bodies in disease: meeting its adverse effects. J Physiol. 596(15):2955.


- Conde SV, Ribeiro MJ, Melo BF, Guarino MP, Sacramento JF (2017) Insulin resistance: a new consequence of altered carotid body chemoreflex? J Physiol. 595(1):31-41.

- Sacramento JF, Ribeiro MJ, Rodrigues T, Olea E, Melo BF, Guarino MP, Fonseca-Pinto R, Ferreira CR, Coelho J, Obeso A, Seiça R, Matafome P, Conde SV. (2017) Functional abolition of carotid body activity restores insulin action and glucose homeostasis in rats: key roles for visceral adipose tissue and the liver. Diabetologia. 60(1):158-168. 

- Rodrigues T, Matafome P, Sereno J, Almeida J, Castelhano J, Gamas L, Neves C, Gonçalves S, Carvalho C, Arslanagic A, Wilcken E, Fonseca R, Simões I, Conde SV, Castelo-Branco M, Seiça R. (2017) Methylglyoxal-induced glycation changes adipose tissue vascular architecture, flow and expansion, leading to insulin resistance. Sci Rep. 7(1):1698.

- Conde SV, Monteiro EC, Sacramento JF.(2017) Purines and Carotid Body: New Roles in Pathological Conditions. Front Pharmacol. 8:913.


- Quintero M, Olea E, Conde SV, Obeso A, Gallego-Martin T, Gonzalez C, Monserrat JM, Gómez-Niño A, Yubero S, Agapito T. (2016) Age protects from harmful effects produced by chronic intermittent hypoxia. J Physiol. 594(6):1773-90.

- Sacramento JF, Ribeiro MJ, Rodrigues T, Guarino MP, Diogo LN, Seiça R, Monteiro EC, Matafome P, Conde SV. (2016) Insulin resistance is associated with tissue-specific regulation of HIF-1α and HIF-2α during mild chronic intermittent hypoxia. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 228:30-8.

- Queiroga CS, Alves RM, Conde SV, Alves PM, Vieira HL. (2016) Paracrine effect of carbon monoxide - astrocytes promote neuroprotection through purinergic signaling in mice. J Cell Sci. 129(16):3178-88.


2022 Conde SV, Oliveira R, Martins FO. Impacto da cirurgia metabólica e da embolização bariátrica no perfil hormonal intestinal e inflamatório no doente obeso diabético: estudo comparativo. 18ª Congresso de Diabetes. Vilamoura, Portugal

2022 Martins FO, Dias SS, Pinto P, Barbara C, Diogo L, Monteiro EC, Conde SV. Impacto do aumento de consumo de cafeína em doentes com apneia obstrutiva do sono e disfunção metabólica. 18ª Congresso de Diabetes. Vilamoura, Portugal

2022 1st Prize “De Castro-Heymans- Neil Award” by ISAC (International Society for Arterial Chemoreception) to the best work presented by a Young Research each triennial ISAC Meeting. (to Adriana M. Capucho)

2022 Menção Honrosa Prémio Pedro Eurico Lisboa para a melhor publicação na área da Diabetes pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia em 2021 para o trabalho: Tavares G, Marques D, Barra C, Daniela Rosendo-Silva D, Costa A, Rodrigues T, Gasparini P, Melo BF, Sacramento JF, Seiça R, Conde SV, Matafome P. “D2 receptor agonist, bromocriptine, remodels adipose tissue dopaminergic signalling and upregulates catabolic pathways, improving metabolic profile in type 2 diabetes”.

2021 Best 3 minutes Flash Talk- Project Title: Ablation of carotid body activity prevents cognitive dysfunction in an animal model of metabolic syndrome. 3rd NMS Symposium- CEDOC. Adriana M. Capucho, Ana Chegão, Bernardete F. Melo, Fátima O. Martins, Joana F. Sacramento, Natália Madeira, Rosalina Fonseca, Hugo Vicente Miranda, Sílvia V. Conde

2021 2nd Best Poster- Project Title: Carotid sinus nerve resection prevents cognitive dysfunction in an animal model of dysmetabolism. EYPS- European Young Physiologists' Symposium 2021. Adriana M. Capucho, Ana Chegão, Bernardete F. Melo, Fátima O. Martins, Joana F. Sacramento, Natália Madeira, Rosalina Fonseca, Hugo Vicente Miranda, Sílvia V. Conde

2021 Innovate Competition Best Poster - Subcategory of Translational Research; Project Title: “Carotid Body modulation improves metabolic function in two different models of dysmetabolism by impacting feeding behaviour and hypothalamic satiety pathways”- iMed Conference 13.0. Adriana M. Capucho, Bernardete F. Melo, Miguel C. Correia, Claúdia S. Prego, Fátima O. Martins, Joana F. Sacramento, Sílvia V. Conde

2021 Physiology Early Career Researcher Oral Communication Prize- Project Title:” Carotid body modulation decreases weight gain and improves metabolic function in the rat by impacting feeding behaviour and hypothalamic satiety pathways” Adriana M. Capucho, Bernardete F. Melo, Fátima O. Martins, Joana F. Sacramento, Nishan Ramnarain, Phil Miliken, Sílvia V. Conde

2021 Award Pedro Eurico Lisboa to the best paper in the Diabetes field, entitled: Carotid body chemosensitivity: early biomarker of dysmetabolism in humans. Joao P Cunha-Guimaraes, Maria P Guarino, Ana T Timoteo, Iolanda Caires, Joana F Sacramento, Maria J Ribeiro, Mafalda Selas, Joao C P Santiago, Miguel Mota Carmo, Silvia V Conde

2021 Best Oral Communication in the field of Fundamental Research in the 17th Portuguese Congress of Diabetes. Work entitled: Efeito da ressecção do nervo do seio carotídeo na expressão de proteínas hipotalâmicas que regulam a saciedade em ratos submetidos a duas dietas hipercalóricas diferentes.  Capucho AM, Melo BF, Martins FO, Sacramento, JF, Conde SV. 

2020 Best poster communication in the category of nutrition by the Portuguese Society for the study of Obesity (SPEO) in the 24th Portuguese Obesity Congress. Work entitled: Caffeine ameliorates obesity and adipose tissue insulin resistance by impacting on insulin signaling pathways and inflammation. Farreca SM, Martins FO, Melo BF, Conde SV

2020 Honor award for the poster communication in the category of Obesity and its Comorbidities by the Portuguese Society for the study of Obesity (SPEO) in the 24th Portuguese Obesity Congress. Work entitled: Carotid body modulation impacts the expression of hypothalamic proteins that regulate satiety.  Capucho AM, Melo BF, Martins FO, Conde SV. 

2019 Eurico Lisboa Honor Award from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes- Best publication in the Diabetes field "Bioelectronic modulation of carotid sinus nerve activity in the rat: a potential therapeutic approach for type 2 diabetes.” Sacramento et al. 2018 Diabetologia 61:700-710.

2018 Pulido Valente/FCT Award – Best publication in Biomedical Engineering “Bioelectronic modulation of carotid sinus nerve activity in the rat: a potential therapeutic approach for type 2 diabetes.” Sacramento et al. 2018 Diabetologia 61:700-710

2017 Eurico Lisboa Award from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes- Best publication in the Diabetes field “Functional abolition of carotid body activity restores insulin action and glucose homeostasis in rats: key roles for visceral adipose tissue and the liver. Sacramento et al. 2017 Diabetologia. 60:158-168

2017 1st Prize “De Castro-Heymans- Neil Award” by ISAC (International Society for Arterial Chemoreception) to the best work presented by a Young Research each triennial ISAC Meeting. (To Joana F. Sacramento)

2016 National Diabetes Award 2016 from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes

2016 Hargreaves 2016 Award from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes/JABA RECORDATI

2014 Best project in the Translational Research category by Fundação AstraZeneca Innovate Competition. (To Bernardete Melo)

2014 1st Prize “De Castro-Heymans- Neil Award” by ISAC (International Society for Arterial Chemoreception) to the best work presented by a Young Research each triennial ISAC Meeting. (to Maria João Ribeiro)

2014 EPHAR Young Investigator Award from the Federation of European Pharmacological Societies to best scientific article published in the area of pharmacology. (To Maria João Ribeiro)

2012 Hargreaves 2012 Award from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes /JABA RECORDATI

2009 L’Oreal Portugal Medals of Honour for Women in Science from L’Oreal, Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation and UNESCO

2009 Nuno Castel Branco Award from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes and Lilly Portugal

2002 1st Prize “De Castro - Heymans – Neil Award” from the International Society for Arterial Chemoreception

2002 Pfizer Honour Young Researcher Prize from the Portuguese Society of Medical Sciences

1999 Training Fellowship - nº1/3.2/PRODEPIII/2000 from Fundo Social Europeu e Estado Português

  • Micera S, Panarese A, Mazzoni A, Carpanato J, Cracchiolo M, Ramnarain N, Conde SV (2017) A system for monitoring and treating metabolic disorders. Patent No. 102017000148492
  • Conde SV, Chew DJ, Famm K, Guarino MP, Holinski B, Patel S (2015) Neuromodulation device. Patent PCT/PT20115/000047. International Bureau WO/2016/072875. Licensed to Galvani Bioelectronics in May 2016. 
Bolsa de Investigação (BI) para o desenvolvimento de atividades de I&D a realizar por estudante de Doutoramento ou por Licenciado ou Mestre inscrito em curso não conferente de grau @ Sílvia Conde Lab (SAI/2022/06)

Encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação (BI) para o desenvolvimento de atividades de I&D a realizar por estudante de Doutoramento ou por Licenciado ou Mestre inscrito em curso não conferente de grau, com a referência SAI/2022/06, no âmbito do projeto EXPL/MED-NEU/0733/2021, na instituição Faculdade de Ciências Médicas|NOVA Medical School (FCM|FCM) da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (UNL), suportado por receitas provenientes do projeto acima referido, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT, I.P.).

Data limite de candidatura: 27 de maio 2022 (até às 17h00).

Plasticidade do tecido adiposo explicado a jovens por investigadoras NMS

As investigadoras do grupo Controlo Neuronal das Doenças Metabólicas publicaram na Frontiers for Young Minds uma revisão do conhecimento existente sobre a forma como as nossas células que acumulam gordura evoluem ao longo do tempo. 

NMS Research com forte representação em congresso internacional de diabetes

Os grupos das investigadoras Paula Macedo e Sílvia Conde fizeram várias apresentações no congresso europeu EASD 2022, que ocorreu em Estocolmo.

Investigação NMS promove literacia científica sobre o cérebro entre jovens e séniores

Para celebrar a Semana Internacional do Cérebro, a NMS organizou duas feiras de neurociências em duas escolas de Lisboa e um centro de science "pop-up" no Museu da Saúde, entre 13 e 17 de março.

External Collaborations  

  • Maria P. Guarino – CiTechCare, Leiria Polytechnic Institute, Leiria, Portugal
  • Rui Fonseca-Pinto – CiTechCare, Leiria Polytechnic Institute, Leiria, Portugal 
  • Paulo Matafome and Raquel Seiça – iCBR , Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research, Coimbra, Portugal
  • Phillipe Blancou and Nicolas Glaichenhaus - INSERM, Université Nice, Nice, France
  • Ana Obeso, Elena Olea, Asuncion Rocher, Jesus Prieto-LLoret - Faculty of Medicine, University of Valladolid, Spain
  • Silvestro Micera – Biorobotics Institute, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy

Internal Collaborations 

  • Hugo Vicente Miranda – DysBrainD group
  • Helena Vieira – Cell Death and Disease group

Investigador Principal

Sílvia Vilares Conde
Principal Investigator


Miguel Cardoso
Research Associate
Fátima Patrícia Oliveira Martins
Junior Researcher FCT Scientific Employment Stimulus
Joana F. Sacramento
Junior Researcher FCT Scientific Employment Stimulus
Bernardete Melo
PhD student
Adriana Capucho
PhD Student
Gonçalo Melo
PhD Student
Inês Almeida
PhD Student
José Ponce de Leão
MSc Student
Joana Fernandes
MSc Student
Dinis Pires
MSc Student