Incoming mobility | Nutrition Student


You can spend part of your academic career in another European or non-European country, experience a new culture and broaden your horizons.



  • 1. Make sure there is a Bilateral Agreement between your Home University and NMS in the field of Nutrition. To confirm if there is a valid agreement, please check our List of Partner Universities
  • 2.  Nominations: The International Relations or Erasmus Office, have to send us the selected students nomination through a link. Please ask your institution to send us an email. Deadline for nominations: 1st of May 2024.
  • 3.  FCM|NMS Application must be submitted until the 15th of June 2024:  
  • 4. Send us the following documents by email, until the 15th of June 2024:
  • 5. B1 Level Portuguese Language Certificate - If the student is unable to send it until the deadline, send us a proof of enrollment in a language course. Then you have until the 1st of September 2022 (for 1st semester and annual students) or 1st of February 2023 (for 2nd semester students) to send us the language certificate.


Deadline for submitting applications for 2024-2025 (applicable for 1st/2nd semester and annual students): 15th of June 2024.


Useful Documents:

Schedules for 2024/2025 (only the 2023-2024 schedule is available)


All Incoming Students are required to pay our school insurance (14€), no exceptions. 


For information regarding incoming mobility for Nutrition Course, please send us an email to

  • Paulo Paixão, MD, PhD
    Mobility Programmes Coordinator

  • Oliva Bueno
    International Relations Officer

NOVA Medical School
Academic Service - Mobility Office
Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, 130 
1169-056 Lisbon · Portugal
Tel. +(351) 21 880 30 71


Attendance Hours

Monday to Friday - from 2 pm until 4 pm
For document delivery use our Post Box (Serviço Académico - Núcleo de Mobilidade), situated in front of Banco Santander.

Students will NOT be received outside these hours except in an emergency. 
The International Office is permanently available by e-mail and phone.