International Students - Bachelor´s Degree in Nutrition Sciences

Special Access and Admission for International Students

Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition Sciences - Academic Year 2025-26

Do you want to study in Portugal?

Follow your academic training in Nutrition Sciences at one of the best universities in the country, NOVA Medical School | NOVA University Lisbon!

Applications open for International Students!


Applications exclusively online. You must access the Application Form and fill all the fields.


  • ID card or Passport.
  • Declaration of honour “International Student” (template available here).
  • Certificate or Diploma proving Portuguese language level (minimum B2);
  • Declaration of formal commitment to attend an intensive Portuguese language course, obtaining a minimum B2 level by the beginning of the 3rd curricular year (template available here).
  • Portuguese high school diploma or legally qualification, when applicable.
  • Diploma or Certificate issued by a competent authority attesting the successful approval in an education program and conferring to its holder the right to apply for higher education in the country where it was obtained.
  • Copy of the documents proving the grades obtained:

    • In the Portuguese entrance exams (02 Biology and Geology and 07 Physics and Chemistry), for holders of a Portuguese secondary school diploma or equivalent qualification.
    • In the national exams for access to higher education in the country of origin:
      ▪ Biology
      ▪ Chemistry
    • In the specific secondary school final exams:
      ▪ Biology
      ▪ Chemistry
    • In the subjects of Biology and Chemistry: an official document certifying that you meet the conditions to access higher education in the country of origin is required.
  • Residence certificate issued by the country where the candidate is domiciled.
  • Payment of application fee (€70,00).

Application Checklist

This competition is aimed at international students. International students are those who do not have Portuguese nationality and who do not fall into any of the following categories:

a)     Nationals of a Member State of the European Union;

b)     Those who are not nationals of a Member State of the European Union, but have been legally residing in Portugal for more than two years, continuously, on the 1st of January of the year in which they wish to enrol at NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, as well as their legally resident children (not including any period during which they have previously been residing in Portugal with a study permit);

c)     Those who apply to Faculdade de Ciências Médicas | NOVA Medical School through the special access and entry regimes regulated by Decree-Law no. 64-A/2023 of 31st of July;

d)     Those who are attending Faculdade de Ciências Médicas | NOVA Medical School under an international mobility program to carry out part of a study cycle of a foreign higher education institution with which the Faculdade de Ciências Médicas | NOVA Medical School has established an exchange agreement for this purpose without prejudice to the eligibility of their application at the end of the exchange period;

e)     The relative members of Portuguese nationals or nationals of a Member State of the European Union, regardless of their nationality, in accordance with paragraph i) of article 2.º of Law no. 37/2006, of 9th of August;

f)       Those who, on the 1st of January of the year they wish to join Faculdade de Ciências Médicas | NOVA Medical School, benefit from the status of equal rights and duties assigned under an international treaty granted between the Portuguese State and the State of which they are nationals.


Any person in a situation of humanitarian emergency can also apply for international student status (article 8thA of Decree-Law no. 36/2014). According to article 8th A of Decree-Law no. 36/2014, a person in situation of humanitarian emergency is anyone coming from a country or region where there is a recognised situation of armed conflict, natural disaster or widespread violation of human rights that requires the need for a humanitarian response. 

Notice: students who enter higher education under this contest will remain international students until the end of the degree in which they initially enrolled or to which they have transferred, even if, during their course of their studies, they will be granted equal status in terms of rights and duties, unless in the meantime they acquire the nationality of a Member State of the European Union. The cessation of the application of international student status as a result of the above shall take effect in the subsequent school year following the date on which nationality is acquired.

Candidates who meet the following conditions may apply for vacancies available for international students in the first cycle of studies:

a) Holders of a qualification – any diploma or certificate issued by a competent authority – that entitles them to apply and enter higher education in the country where it was obtained;

b) Holders of a Portuguese secondary school diploma or legally equivalent qualification;

c) Compliance, at the date of the current competition, with the prerequisite established by NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, under the terms of Decree-Law no. 296-A/98, of 25th of September, in its current wording, which regulates the regime of access and entry into higher education, amended by Decrees-Law no. 99/99 of 30th of March, 26/2003 of 7th of February, 76/2004 of 27th of March, 158/2004 of 30th of June and 147-A/2006 of 31st of July.


Specific Conditions for entering the first cycle in Nutrition Sciences:

1.     Analysis and evaluation of the specific academic qualification for admission into the cycle of studies the candidate is applying for:

a) When the candidate is the holder of a Portuguese secondary education course, this verification will focus on the approval in the two entrance examinations defined for the Degree in Nutrition Sciences of this Faculty: 02 Biology and Geology and 07 Physics and Chemistry;

b) When the candidate does not hold Portuguese national exams, the specific academic qualification may be based on one of three situations:

i. Having passed Biology and Chemistry examinations for entry into higher education in the country of origin;

ii. Having completed secondary school final exams both in Biology and Chemistry, in the country of origin;

iii. Having attended and obtained approval in both the subjects of Biology and Chemistry in secondary school in the country of origin, proving that the candidate meets the conditions to access higher education in their country, as long as the candidate is able to present the official document certifying this qualification.

c) When the candidate is a Brazilian high school graduate, and whenever applicable, this demonstration corresponds to the approval in the area of Nature Sciences and its Technologies in the National High School Exam (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio, ENEM), with a minimum required score of 100 points.


2. Demonstration of knowledge of the Portuguese language (B2 Level, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages): candidates from educational systems not taught in Portuguese must present the Portuguese Language certificate attesting both oral and written competences, issued by a competent authority.

2.1. Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous point, students who do not have a B2 Level may still apply, as long as they formally commit to attending an intensive language course and obtaining the required B2 level by the beginning of the 3rd curricular year of the bachelor’s degree. Failure to do this will prevent the students from renewing the enrolment at NOVA Medical School│Faculdade de Ciências Médicas until they prove to have acquired the required language skills.

Exams taken in 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024. 

For candidates who compete with the ENEM (Brazilian National High School Exam) tests:
Only candidates with a classification in the ENEM knowledge area “Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias” (CNT) equal to or greater than 100 points may be admitted, after conversion to the Portuguese scale of ratings (0 to 200 points) using the following formula:

ENEM C = Classification obtained in the CNT knowledge area x 200/1000

ENEM C – Classification obtained in the knowledge area of CNT after conversion to the Portuguese scale of ratings (0 to 200 points)

If you have any further questions, please contact us at

Applicants should access the link aqui and fill in all the fields.

You must pay the application fee (€70.00), which is non-refundable. The application will only be valid once the fee has been paid, which must be paid within 24 hours of submitting the application on the platform.

Students who do not have Portuguese nationality and who are not nationals of a member state of the European Union; who are not legally resident in Portugal with reference to January 1st of the year in which they intend to enter higher education; who have not applied for entry to higher education through the special access and entry regimes regulated by Decree-Law no. 393-A/99, of October 2nd, amended by Decree-Law no. 272/2009, of October 1st, may apply.

Applicants in the following situations are excluded:

  • Holder of a residence visa for a family member of a European Union national
  • Holder of equality status

Yes, all the documents referred to in the “Conditions of Access” of the Call for Applications must be must be legalized by a Portuguese consular agent, or by the Hague Apostille in the country of origin of the documents, whenever they are issued by institutions from countries outside the European Union.

The tuition fee for international students is €7,500. Payment can be made in 7 installments, paid by the 28th of each month, with the last installment paid by March. Registration fees and school insurance are added to this amount.

No. In this case, the prevailing nationality is Portuguese, and you will have to enter NMS through one of the routes available to national students.

No. You will have to submit the Minute available on our website, duly completed by the doctor registered with the Portuguese Medical Association. Only this will be accepted as proof of the prerequisite. Where it says “issued on”, the date to put is the date on which the prerequisite is passed. Other types of medical declaration/attestation will not be accepted.

Note: Only Annex III.1 should be submitted, the other annexes should be kept by the doctor or health services.

No. The Prerequisite - Group A can be completed by any doctor registered with the Portuguese Medical Association.

You must take into account the period between the date of issue of the prerequisite and the application deadline, which may not exceed 30 days.

Yes, it does.

Yes, as long as it was taken in the 4 calendar years prior to the application.

In order to be used to apply for the Special Competition for International Students, you must score 100 points or more in the “Natural Sciences and their Technologies” subject area.

A student who joins under the provisions of the International Student regulations retains the status of international student until the end of the course in which they initially enrol or to which they transfer. Exceptions are international students who acquire the nationality of a member state of the European Union. This will take effect in the academic year following the date of acquisition of nationality.

It is possible to apply for accreditation using training completed as part of other higher education cycles, in national or foreign higher education institutions, and whether it was obtained before or after the organization resulting from the Bologna Process. The request for accreditation must be submitted after matriculation, within the deadlines defined in the NMS regulations on accreditation of competences.





  • VACANCIES | 27
  • LANGUAGE | Portuguese / English


Tuition Fees

  • Application fee | €70,00
  • Tuition fee 25/26 | €7.500,00
  • Registration and Enrolment Fee | €35,00 / year
  • School insurance | €14,00 / year
Interested in finding out more?
We recognize that making an important academic decision like this can raise various doubts and questions.
That's why Nova Medical School's Academic Services team is available to offer support and assistance throughout the process. 
Contact us or, alternatively, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you.
Phone: +351 210 529 766
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
09:30am-1:00pm / 2:00pm-4:00pm